The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
# The Power of Now: A Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment
## My Journey to Enlightenment
I remember the days when my life was plagued by anxiety and suicidal depression. It was a period of intense suffering, but it was also the catalyst for my transformation. At the age of 29, I had a profound epiphany that changed the course of my life. The thought "I cannot live with myself any longer" kept repeating in my mind, but then I realized the peculiarity of this thought. If I couldn't live with myself, there must be two of me: the 'I' and the 'self' that 'I' couldn't live with. This sparked a period of self-inquiry, leading me to the realization that we are non-dual – not two, but one.
## The Egoic Mind
Our minds are powerful tools, but most of us are controlled by them rather than using them consciously. The mind creates a false sense of identity, which I refer to as the ego. This ego is derived from external sources – our possessions, job titles, social status, education, abilities, relationships, beliefs, religion, and even family history. These are not the true you; they are mere collective identifications in your mind.
Take a moment to ask yourself: "Who am I and what do I stand for?" Do your answers involve these external identifiers? Realize that these things are not you and will not follow you beyond your death. The ego is a construct, a delusion that keeps us trapped in a world of suffering.
## The Delusion of Time
Time, like the ego, is a concept created by the human mind to help us function in the practical world. Clock time is useful for scheduling and learning from the past and future, but it is an illusion. The only moment that truly exists is the Now. Everything that has ever happened or been created happened in the Now. Yet, most of us are trapped in the illusion of time, spending our energy reminiscing about the past or hoping for a better future.
When we resist what is, whether through judgment or negativity, we create pain in the present. This resistance is a result of our inability to be present in the Now. As I often say, "Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed."
## Accessing the Power of Now
To tap into the power of the Now, you must learn to free yourself from the mind. This involves observing your mind impartially. Constantly ask yourself, "What is going on inside me at this moment?" and "Am I at ease at this moment?" There are three key ways to develop greater consciousness and de-identify with the mind:
First, watch the thinker – that voice in your head. Recognize it as just a stream of thoughts and not your true self. Second, watch your emotions, which are reflections of your thoughts. Third, dissolve the pain-body, which is all the stories, baggage, and external identities created by your egoic mind.
Focusing on the Now involves stopping the creation of time in your mind, focusing on the present moment, and acting with present-moment awareness. When you wake up, for example, instead of immediately worrying about the day ahead or regretting the past, simply be present. Feel the air on your skin, the sensation of your feet touching the ground, and the sound of your breath.
## The Source of Suffering
Suffering is a result of our resistance to what is. When we dwell on past pains or future worries, we create unnecessary suffering. As I explain, "All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence."
Pain is not just an external circumstance; it is often self-created. When you resist things you cannot change, you fill the gap between what is and what you wish it were with resistance, which manifests as pain. However, you can free yourself from this pain by constantly observing your mind and not judging your thoughts.
## The Role of Ego and Thinking
Our ego equates with the thoughts in our minds, which are always projecting into the future to secure their survival. This incessant thinking prevents us from finding the present moment. As I argue, Rene Descartes was wrong when he said, "I think therefore I am." Thinking is not being; it is merely a function of the mind.
To find enlightenment, you must stop the incessant thinking of your mind. This does not mean suppressing thoughts but rather observing them without judgment. When you catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would at the antics of a child, you are on the path to enlightenment.
## Living in the Now
Living in the Now is not about avoiding or suppressing pain and negative feelings but about accepting them as they are. Accepting unavoidable pain, such as the death of loved ones, means stopping the wish that it weren't so and the blame for any possible contribution. Being present in the Now provides the strength to accept these pains.
When you focus on the Now, even simple actions become imbued with quality, care, and love. As I say, "As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease."
## Practical Applications
To enter the state of the Now, you can use various practices. For instance, active waiting can be a powerful tool. Imagine you are a servant waiting for the return of the master; you are fully alert and living in the Now. This state of alertness can help you enter a flow state, whether you are preparing for an exam or a race.
Another practice is to observe your thoughts without judgment. Constantly ask yourself, "What will my next thought be?" This can delay your actual next thought, giving you time to realize how much time you spend in autopilot mode. By interrupting your mind, you can separate from it and reduce pain.
## Conclusion: The True Path to Happiness and Enlightenment
The key to experiencing more joy in life lies simply in the here and the Now. Living in the Now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. It is not about controlling the future or dwelling on the past but about accepting the present moment as it is.
When you can consciously offer no resistance to what is and allow the present moment to be just as it is, good or bad, you feel immense calm and inner peace. This is the secret of life – dying before you die and finding there is no death, only the eternal Now.
In the end, it is not the past or the future that holds the key to our happiness but the present moment. As I often say, "The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but rather the thoughts about it. Be aware of your thoughts, but don’t be your thoughts. Watch your thoughts, but don’t be watched by your thoughts." This is the power of the Now.
Here are the key insights from Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now":
## The Present Moment is All That Exists
The core principle of the book is that the only truly real moment is the present. The past and future are illusions created by the mind, and focusing on them leads to suffering and distraction from the Now.
## Separation from the Egoic Mind
We are not our minds or our thoughts. The ego creates a false sense of identity based on external sources such as possessions, job titles, and social status. Recognizing this separation is crucial for spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
## The Illusion of Time
Time is a human construct, useful for practical purposes but an illusion in the spiritual sense. The only moment that truly exists is the Now. Dwelling on the past or future creates pain and suffering in the present.
## Resistance to What Is
Suffering arises from resisting what is in the present moment. Accepting the Now without judgment or resistance is key to inner peace and happiness. This acceptance does not mean passivity but rather a conscious surrender to the present.
## Observing Thoughts and Emotions
To free yourself from the mind, observe your thoughts and emotions impartially. Watch the thinker (the voice in your head), recognize emotions as reflections of thoughts, and dissolve the pain-body (cumulative pain and external identities).
## The Source of Suffering
Suffering is caused by too much focus on the past or future, leading to negativity, anxiety, and stress. Presence in the Now alleviates these forms of suffering by reducing psychological time and denial of the present.
## Living in the Now
Living in the Now involves accepting all experiences, including pain and negative feelings, without resistance. This acceptance transforms simple actions into meaningful and joyful experiences.
## Practical Applications
Practices such as active waiting, observing thoughts without judgment, and interrupting autopilot thinking can help you enter the state of the Now. These practices enhance awareness and reduce pain.
## True Identity and Enlightenment
Enlightenment involves recognizing your true Being, which is beyond the ego and the mind. This recognition allows you to connect with your inner self and experience life fully in the present moment.
## Inner Peace and Happiness
The key to happiness and enlightenment lies in living in the Now. By accepting the present moment without resistance, you can experience immense calm and inner peace, which is the true secret to a fulfilling life.
## Surrender and Acceptance
Surrendering to the Now means accepting the present moment unconditionally, without inner resistance. This surrender transforms you and, by extension, your entire world, as it reflects your inner state.